Unleash Customer Creativity At Retail!
Prioritizing customer service at existing retail businesses is part of a much bigger picture. In every way we can, we should -- we must -- transform the existing pattern of human behavior from the feudalistic or colonial paradigm to a spectrum of decisions with a sovereign citizen at the core. Every human being has the […]
Today's Rich People Designed The Inequality We're Experiencing
The Polynesian-inspired spa artwork is called "Atlas Of Paradise." More to come!
The Time I Went To The Elephant Bar
I tried to generate an image representative of the moment I woke up in the Elephant Bar, and this is what ChatGPT made (none of them seemed like they made sense since I had no plate of food in front of me in real life!): Photo and video credits/links:Photo by Jonathan Schmer: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-beautiful-landscape-on-a-bright-day-3272589/ Photo by […]